Pursuing a Dream
I’m a planner. Because my brain likes to categorize things, I tend to think of my life in thematic periods of time. I look forward and think of what I want to accomplish, a sort of personal strategic plan. After finishing my doctoral degree last spring, I gave myself time to just be. No planning or strategizing, just resting and allowing information and ideas to gather or flow through me.
Towards the end of 2021, I had a realization: I wanted to start a business. Again. I’ve dabbled in a couple of entrepreneurial ventures – first, baking and selling dessert breads made in mini-loaf pans. It was called “Our Grandma’s Breadcakes” because some were family recipes, and the logo was a black and white photo of my 3 toddlers (I know, adorable right?) It cost next-to-nothing to start and was relatively successful. My second venture was a home party business comprised mainly of handbags. It was called “Fetch!” and the logo was a drawing of a dog with a handbag in its mouth. I had a partner, and that business was even more successful than the first. Both ended for a variety of reasons, mostly because the timing wasn’t quite right, and I chose to focus on family.
It’s been over a decade since we shuttered the doors of Fetch! I’ve learned so much in that time, about business, life, and most importantly, myself. And the side gig phenomenon has emerged and exploded, opening new ways of thinking about a career and endless possibilities. I’m ready to get back in the game and have been applying to myself the same evidence-based frameworks I use to help clients get results.
Not only am I excited about this new undertaking, but I’m also emboldened by a clarity, focus and vision I’ve never felt before. A good friend and coach suggested I journal about my experience, so here this is it – a public journal. Maybe someone will stumble upon it and find it useful or even inspiring. I certainly hope so.
More to come soon.